Free Ebooks

As a service to Mississippians, attorney Frank Coxwell has written two books which are full of information for people who are facing difficult financial times. Frank Coxwell has been a consumer protection attorney in Jackson, MS for over 32 years. He is an active member of the National Association of Consumer Advocates, the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys, and is an experienced trial attorney. He will go the distance for his clients. He sues mortgage companies and mortgage servicers. He sues debt collectors. He is an experienced bankruptcy Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 attorney and will defend your right to a fresh start. To sum it all up, he helps good people through bad times. The first step is to arm you with the information you need to decide what path is best for you, so request your copy of one or both books below now, free of charge.
The Consumer’s Guide to Fighting ForeclosureIn “The Consumer’s Guide to Fighting Foreclosure”, he explains the Mississippi foreclosure process, shares the secrets the banks do not want you to know about this process, how to fight back, what scams to avoid, what everyone needs to know about modifications & forbearance, and much, much more – but most importantly he shares the options under Mississippi law that are available to STOP FORECLOSURE and regain control of your mortgage!
The Truth About BankruptcyIn “The Truth About Bankruptcy”, he explains how to look at your current financial situation, credit counseling, debt consolidation & settlement options, exposes the most common myths about bankruptcy, the protection bankruptcy offers, asset exemptions, student loans, garnishments, the importance of timing when considering bankruptcy, eligibility to file, start to finish on how chapter 7 & chapter 13 work, and much, much more – but most of all he shares the good news about what bankruptcy has to offer. Yes – the good news!
These booklets are available FREE to Mississippi residents. Just submit the ORDER FORM below to download now.